Sunday, January 9, 2011


just wondered if anyone ever comes back here to read. I know facebook has taken over the nation, but it would be nice to get an up date on everyone!! Chime in if you've been on here lately! If not, I'll go to face book and get everyone of yaw!! Besides, we got another reunion to start planning!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Aunt Tressie

Most of you have probably got the news on face book or an email, but if not, we got some bad news. Aunt Tressie (Uncle Pete's wife) passed away today. Evonna kept us informed of her condition in earlier blog entries. I don't have any details yet, maybe one of you do. If so, please post it. As for Evonna, Jerry and Vernon, all the grandkids and great grandkids, you will be in our prayers and I'm sure Aunt Tressie and Uncle Pete are together again in Heaven. There are no words to describe the loss of a parent. Evonna and Francis, we know you did a great job taking care of both your parents. They will be missed -that's for sure. We love you all, and wish we could be there to help you get thru this hard time. Please know that you will all be in our prayers and thoughts during this time. We love you all. God Bless and please let us know if there is anything at all that we could do for you.
Jack and Sandi

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Okay gang, does anyone have a preference as to the best date for another reunion? Who can come? Who can't?

And the big question...Should we move this show to Facebook since everyone seems to be there?

Feedback please.


Saturday, November 28, 2009


If you haven't done it yet-it's time to tell Uncle Jack HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Hey Francis! We hope you have a GREAT day! We'll be thinking of you and toast your celebration! We love birthdays!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Happy birthday to yooouuu
Happy birthday to yooouuu
Happy birthday Dennis Farrrrrmerrrr!
Happy birthday to yoooooouuu!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Birthday BLOG!

First let me begin with an apology for not being in touch more. I've missed lots of birthdays and I sincerely feel bad about that. Now it's time to say happy birthday to the blog.

The blog began Oct. 31, 2007 and it lead to one of the best times of my life. I am hoping that maybe this is a good day to ask everyone to come back to Arkansas for a second reunion this summer.

I miss you all so much--and we we had such a good time before! There are a lot of people who didn't get to make it the first time, it would just be a shame if we only got together once.

Please leave word if you're interested in a reunion this summer, and if so, what day works best for you.

I love you all so much! Please, please, please let's try for Ladd Reunion Part Deux!
